Sliding shutters are mounted on the wall above the window or in the recesses to the ceiling on the guides.
The guides are equipped with special "click & stop" systems that allow the sash to be locked in the designated position.
Depending on the number of sashes and the space on the wall, the shutters can be single-track, two-track, three-track or four-track.
We have a profile of a wing size 50 x 40.
Sliding shutters can be of any colour and filling, it can be controlled manually or automatically.
Fillers can be separated by horizontal and vertical crosspieces on any dimension.
These are shutters filled with a horizontal or vertical panel with a width of 100 mm. We have no light after closuring this type of shutters.
These are shutters in which the laths are always in constant downward position at an angle of about 30 degrees. In this kind of shutters, the light and air supply is still the same.
These are shutters equipped with a special system for moving lath, so that we can manually adjust the light and air supply without opening the shutter. Each lath is equipped with a special gasket so that after closing the lath we have a completely tight surface.