MASZ PYTANIE ? +48 538 333 176



The aluminium partitions of Zielona Okiennica are our own concept designed for the needs of the customer. Such partitions will be used as balcony partitions, terrace partitions, covers, barriers, partitions, sheds, pergolas and many others.

Depending on the needs and the applied fillings, the partitions can provide protection against excessive sunlight, wind, rain, noise or cold. Ideally suited for the separation of zones, communication lines and privacy areas.

Aluminium partitions are lightweight and durable construction of any size and colour.

It is possible to freely set up fills that are separated by vertical or horizontal scales. Filler can be solid laths, movable laths, dummy laths or panels.

To produce our partitions, we use aluminium frames with dimensions of 40cm x 50cm and 40cm x 70cm, - you can choose the fillings.

The advantage of our partitions is the very high weather resistance which means that you will enjoy them for many years without any maintenance.

.. and the neighbours go green with envy!!



All of our aluminium shutters are powder coated by a company that is QUALICOAT certified and ISO 9001: 2000. Shutters are available in any colour from the RAL colour palette (DECOR) and the anode. The wood texture is obtained using the "sublimation" technology, which resembles wooden shutters, but they are much more resistant to atmospheric conditions.




The aluminium profile base is available here: profilesprofiles